Archive by Author

What Swing Euphoria Looks Like


  There are so many of these weekend experiences that have been personally moving or meaningful to us for different reasons: relationships built, magic moments in performance, hysterical spotlights or all-skates, powerful learning transformations, teaching breakthroughs, etc. But the third weekend of May 2017, we were privileged to experience a new degree of “epic”: the […]

Enrich Your Spectating Experience

A more in-depth look at all those performances you admire: what to watch for, and how to appreciate what you see. #wcscoachscorner #audienceparticpation #youarepartoftheshow

    It’s easy to get hypnotized by all the sparkly rhinestones, the splashy tricks, and the sick combinations. But after your Newcomer honeymoon phase, your senses are no longer overwhelmed and your brain has the bandwidth to appreciate different elements of the improv competitions and routines you enjoy watching. Some spectators like to analyze […]

That Bungee Thing!

Now for a little fun! Ok a ton of fun. What we can learn from submitting to the rookie experience... #okbutfirstboing #allaboutheboing #bungeeworkout #thailandvacation

Every once in a while you experience something that shifts your perspective, and your world becomes more colourful, more vibrant, higher-definition. Suddenly the preconceptions you had are shattered like pieces of Lego, and you have a glorious opportunity to reconstruct them from scratch, with newfound wisdom. Emotionally, it could be the result of meaningful conversation, […]

Teacher Traps

New dance teachers and veteran teachers alike should constantly monitor and "scan for viruses" in their teaching. Check yourself before know! #growthmindset #makepedagogyapriority #wcscoachscorner

I have no doubt that 99% of teachers are doing the best they can with the resources they have. But the best intentions can backfire due to limited/outdated resources and misconceptions, specifically about pedagogy (the science of teaching). Diligent, humble teachers with a growth mindset constantly check themselves. Be a student of your own teaching […]

Fostering Newcomer Dancers

It's in all of our best interest to make our WCS more welcoming to its newest members. Here are some great ideas and initiatives! #ourresponsibilitywcs #wcscoachscorner #youweregreenonce

I sat down with Kay Newhouse, affectionately referred to as “Community Mama” of the NorthEastern US, and co-director of Swing Fling, DCSX and MADJam, some of the biggest and most-successful events on the WSDC circuit. We were particularly curious about the awesome initiatives she is taking with the Newcomer demographic, and her ideas on catering […]

Travel Tips for Dancers

Another #wcscoachscorner article worth sharing! Be sure to browse the other articles while you're there. #sharingiscaring #wanderingwestie #suitcaseliving

As I write this, we are in travel transition: driving home from (local) Easter Swing and preparing our suitcase turnaround for Singapore and Thailand. Sometimes it feels like travel is as much a part of my job as moving to music. You could say we are Champion travellers. How did we develop our expertise? The […]

Balancing Social Dancing and Socializing

Some practical ideas on how to fill your bucket in the social department. Pass it on - you know you have friends who need this. #wcscoachscorner #sharingiscaring #dancewellness #socialwellness

How do you manage your social wellness with your dance wellness? It’s easy these days to get wrapped up too much in your own training and/or competitive capital – have you paused to take inventory lately of your social/emotional capital? What about the reverse – have you been focusing so much on the party aspect […]

Interview with a Dance Photographer


Dance event photographer, Brad Whelan (famous for his signature BW watermark) gives us the inside scoop on his photography and some hints for dancers to get their best moments captured. CC: Tell us about your photography business? BW: While I’m now based in Australia, I find myself in another country about 75% of the time. […]