Archive by Author

What’s your favourite event?


This is a question we get asked frequently. People are often curious to know which events we recommend, in order to create their own event bucket list. The underlying message is, “Which ones should I go to?” While we don’t mind being asked, and we are happy to talk about the merits of specific events […]

How I handled a student’s toxic behaviour


Teaching Snack #8Your struggleSometimes students resist when you try to introduce them to a method, process, or technique that they are not used to. Sometimes this resistance is disrespectful. It can be hard to stand up for yourself under pressure and take charge of your business, your method, and your reputation. An interesting thing happened at […]

Considering Choreography?


The West Coast Swing world is a strong supporter of social dancing: the improvisation side of the dance. The idea of speaking a language in order to carry on a conversation with anyone in the world without planning, is of the highest value. However, almost all dance forms have a facet to them that involves […]

Private Lesson Pains

Are you sabotaging your own dance progress? Be a better student and get more out of your investment! #teacherpeeves #becoachable #wcscoachscorner

No matter your level, when it comes to dance instruction, nothing gives you more bang-for-your-buck than private lessons. Private lessons are a part of a balanced dance diet. The one-on-one feedback fills your bucket with encouragement and homework to last you a few weeks to a few months of social dance practice. BUT, there are […]

Evolving Event Standards & Trends

I've been cooking something special just for Event Directors... #wcscoachscorner #evolveordie #worksmarternotharder

As WCS spreads and grows exponentially worldwide and the dance evolves, the landscape of dance events is changing too. There are more dance activities available on the market now, so in an effort to compete for attention and attendees, events have to be innovative and offer more value. The tried and true formula is still […]