Dance feedback is like hugs. Everybody can benefit from them, but no one will admit to it, and it can get awkward to ask. An no one likes an unwanted hug. This article is your go-to source on how to gracefully GET and GIVE feedback. Read on to discover: The 3 conditions required for feedback […]
What “Levels” Really Mean
In every skill-based activity there’s a difference between the beginners and the veterans. This makes sense – the longer you work at something, the better you get at it. Notice I said work at; just because you hack at something longer, doesn’t mean you’re improving. But the dance community is full of distinctions, divisions, labelling…ways […]
Westie Wisdom 2015 Year-in-Review
The complete 2015 Westie Wisdom collection! I’ve always been a collector of motivational quotes. Westie Wisdom Wednesdays was originally intended to populate the newly introduced WCS Rising Star Support Network on Facebook, which was created to propagate, support, and motivate the Rising Star movement. But why should Rising Stars have all the fun? Some of […]
Coach’s Corner 2015 Year-In-Review
The best articles you may have missed – you’re gonna wanna share these! It was one year ago that the agonizing wait was over – we finally got the keys to our shiny new website, a much larger than anticipated project due to the sheer volume of content. (If you haven’t yet, browse through the […]
Mentorship: The Missing Link
Ever had a mentor? I’m not talking just about somebody you admire and look up to. Let’s be specific: ever had someone who took you under their wing for free and made your goals their goals? Who stuck with you and guided you through rough waters? The rich development experience of a mentorship is one […]
You Deserve a Trophy
Dear Routine Competitors, The month leading up to the US Open is always fraught with emotions. The intense preparation causes us to reflect on why we are putting ourselves through this. It is almost impossible to explain to outsiders who genuinely just want to wish us well. How can they possibly understand? This can be […]
Are You Winning Yet?
“Winning” is not only about the final placement. You don’t even have to be competitive to be “winning”. In our WCS competition scene, while many dancers ambitiously chase points, others are kicking their butts in other aspects – winning games that have no trophies or prize money, but are invaluable nonetheless. The word “winning” has […]
How to know when it’s time for Private Lessons
Private lessons are a mystery to many dancers, not just the newbies. Veteran dancers tend to forget this valuable resource that can help guide them through the tough phases in their dance development and achieve their goals. Let’s demystify and help you understand exactly: Who can benefit from Private Lessons Why you should bother considering […]
Interview with a Physiotherapist Westie
Ever wondered what physiotherapist’s take on West Coast Swing would be? It’s not easy to find one that really understands the nature of social dancing and the specific actions involved in WCS. But we’ve got one! Meet Ruth Norgaard, our WCS student for the past 3 years, who treats us when we are broken. We […]
Musical Self-Sabotage: What NOT to Play
Are your music choices sabotaging your efforts to promote and develop West Coast Swing? The wide range of music we can dance West Coast Swing to attracts a variety of demographics across generations, cultures, and tastes. But for anyone who plays WCS music, in trying to promote and cater to certain audiences, it is important […]